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What should I do if my child is unwell and unable to go to school?

Please telephone the school office first thing in the morning to let us know about any absence. Please note, if we are not informed of your child’s absence it may result in your child receiving an unauthorised absence mark. If leaving a message, we would ask that you state your child’s full name and the full reason for absence. You should also telephone transport if your child receives transport to and from school and cancel for the days your child will be absent for.

How do I let the school know about medical and hospital appointments?

If the appointment cannot be organised outside of school hours, then you’ll need to telephone the school office. You should ensure you state the date, time, and type of appointment e.g. hospital, doctors etc. Please note, that you may be asked to provide proof of the appointment.

Is the school responsible for organising and communicating with transport?

No, school and transport are run separately. If there are any issues with the transport for your child please in the first instance contact transport directly on 01302 736080 / 736081 or 737220. At North Ridge, we do want to support our pupils and families, so we are happy to listen and advise, however, any direct communication regarding issues should be carried out between yourselves and transport. In the event that transport is not required due to medical appointments, illness or any other scenario please notify the transport supervisor on 01302 720790 option 3 or the allocated bus escort, as well as separately notifying the school office.

For those young people travelling from out of the borough your local authority will be able to direct you to their transport department.

How will the school let me know if it’s closed due to unforeseen circumstances (such as inclement weather)?

Whilst the school is always determined to stay open, severe inclement weather, such as snow, can mean that it isn’t safe for pupils to be in school. On these rare occasions the school uses the website, Seesaw and text messages to ensure communications are made to families, it is therefore very important that your contact details are kept up to date in school.

Will the school administer medication to my child?

If a doctor has prescribed medicine for your child that has to be taken four times a day or at specific times during the day, school will arrange for this to be administered. Please ensure that the medication is unopened, clearly labelled with your child’s name and has the full prescription label attached, including the expiry date, and dosage of medication to be administered.

Medication must be handed to the office by an adult and will be stored securely. If your child uses transport, medicines can be given to the transport escort. You will also need to complete a Parental Agreement for North Ridge to administer medication. The medication will be kept in school until the end of the requirement.

Please note analgesic medication including paracetamol will remain in school, therefore any medication needs to be sent to school, unopened and sealed as purchased or prescribed by a doctor. For the safety of our pupils and to ensure that the correct dosage timescales are adhered to, medications will not be administered before 12 noon, unless otherwise agreed due to prescribed medication requirements.

What should I do if my child tests positive for Covid-19?

As a school we follow the latest government guidance, a link for this can be found here: Coronavirus (COVID19): guidance – GOV.UK ( If you are unsure or would like any further information, please contact the school office.